Tel: 844 958 9589



Weiss-Tech is a service oriented company offering engineering analysis of isolation systems, vibration testing service, In-house part analysis, and lab testing for elastomeric compounds.
Engineering Analysis
Weiss-Tech has developed a six-degree of freedom analysis program for evaluating and optimizing isolation systems. The analysis includes calculations of system natural frequencies as well as isolator loading conditions. Types of systems analyzed include engine applications, electric motor applications, and general purpose shock/vibration applications.

Vibration Testing
Weiss-Tech offers vibration testing as a service to customers using our isolators. Typical testing includes measurement of vibration amplitude and frequency, and evaluation of the efficiency of the isolators. Please contact your local sales engineer for more information on this service.
In-House Testing
Weiss-Tech’s in-house testing capabilities include load/deflection testing for isolators and vibration testing. Our engineers can evaluate your current isolation system and make recommendation regarding isolator or product design. The manufacturing and testing capabilities allow Weiss-Tech to design, prototype, and test isolators and mounting systems.
Compound Analysis
Weiss-Tech works with top accredited laboratories to test and evaluate elastomer compounds. Services include reverse compound formulation, material damping properties, and ASTM D2000 certification.